I never knew the off season at Camp Doublecreek could be so busy! Granted, this off season has been the exception, not the rule because of the move. But still! August and September were filled with packing, reflecting, countless trips back and forth between campuses....all while still planning and prepping for summer 2023!

We are beginning to settle in here in our new location. There are always going to be issues (bumps in the road) with a business move, but nevertheless we will persevere. (hmm...it seems very strange to call Doublecreek a business...I've always viewed it as a vocation)

Anyway, we're getting more comfortable. The horses are really getting comfortable. It's safe to say they have made a happy transition. Being a part of off season, I get to view a side of the other directors that I never had the opportunity to before. As we paused our busy schedules to reflect and be thankful this season, I wanted to share all of our favorite Thanksgiving traditions with you!

Joe Ray Griffin (Programming Director) - Since the end of camp, time has flown by. I gauge the passage of time by the holidays. Labor Day has come and gone! Halloween is in the rear view mirror. Actually, for me, Halloween lasts until all the left over candy is gone, and I achieved that milestone two days ago. And now, Thanksgiving is upon us. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I always remember Thanksgiving with fondness. I remember Thanksgiving as a time when I was with those I cherish the most. Looking back on past Thanksgivings, I remember sitting down in a comfortable house, around a comfortable table, eating a fabulous meal, all with people I was very comfortable with. Do not take Thanksgiving for granted. Treasure the time you have with those you love the most. Time moves on. Eventually, there will be empty places at your table. Celebrate with your loved ones and remember with joy and fondness those who are no longer with you. To me, the people are what make Thanksgiving the most special!

Kim Palk (Admin Director) - Thanksgiving for me has always been a time spent with family. We always have a house full of people and eat a traditional Thanksgiving meal. (Turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, green beans, and of course, lots of pie) My husband's favorite part of the meal is the dressing. After my mom passed away, I realized that I have always made the easy things and let her fix the harder things, like the dressing. (Also because I don't like dressing and took for granted that she would always be around to make it) After searching through her recipe books in hopes of finding the recipe, my dad told me that she always made it from memory. Well, this year its my turn to make the dressing and I am really hoping that the recipe I found on the internet is a good one! I wish everyone a Thanksgiving filled with good food, surrounded by those you love!

Rachel Chuey (Assistant Director) - Everyone has their reasons Thanksgiving is special to them, but I think that I have a very special bond with this holiday. That is because my birthday is so close that every 4 years, I share my birthday with Thanksgiving! When I was born, I came home from the hospital on Thanksgiving day and was the center piece of my parent's table. (I was also first born so at that time, I was allowed to be the center of attention!) Growing up, I hated that I shared my birthday with Thanksgiving because usually it meant that everyone was either out of town or busy and couldn't come to my parties. However, as I've gotten older I have realized how special it is because now as I celebrate Thanksgiving, I can also celebrate my birthday with all the family members that are so special to me. Thanksgiving can be hectic for my family as we spread ourselves between my side and my husband's side, but no matter what, at the end of the day, we always have full bellies and even fuller hearts! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (And happy birthday to me!) :)

Dan Neal (Director) - When I break down the word Thanksgiving, it comes to 2 key life principals for me. Thankfulness and the self sacrifice of giving. It's nice to have a pause in the craziness of life for me, and have a reminder to be thankful for my many blessings. Great family, great camp family, food on our table, and a roof over our heads. The giving of time, self, and resources to others is also something that I am thankful for in this season. I guess you could say the thanks and giving are baked together like pecan pie. (My favorite!) If the delicious filling represents my thankfulness, then the question becomes what does my giving look like this season? In some years, it is the whole pecan, but in others, it is like the pecan pieces. Not sure what this year will be like, but I am officially hungry for some pecan pie now! :)

We, as directors, would like to express our gratitude for all of our Doublecreek family this holiday season and thank you for sharing your family with ours. We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family, friends, and, of course, food, and thank you for all the joy that you have given to us!